Dr. Shaheena Bashir
Associate Professor

Dr. Sultan Sial
Associate Professor

Dr. Sultan Sial
Associate Professor
Dr Sultan Sial received the MSc. Mathematics degree from Carleton University and the PhD. degree in Applied Mathematics from University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1992 and 1997. Prior to joining LUMS, he has been associated with University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario, Trent University, and Los Alamos National Lab (LANL). Dr Sial also has corporate sector experience; he has been the Vice President (Research) of Heuchera Technologies, and Vogelfrei Analytics. He has several publications, a book and book chapter in leading international journals.
- Email:sultans@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Adnan Khan
Associate Professor

Dr. Adnan Khan
Associate Professor
Adnan Khan was awarded his Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NY in 2007. His thesis was titled 'Parameterization for Some Multiscale Problems in Biology and Turbulence'. The work involved studying approaches to coarse graining of multiscale systems with applications to turbulent diffusion and protein dynamics. Prior to his doctoral work he obtained an MS in Applied Mathematics at the University of Delaware in 2002 and a BE in Electrical Engineering from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi in 1998. His current research interests involve modeling and analysis of biological systems, multiscale modeling and asymptotic analysis. Prior to joining LUMS he has taught at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and University of Delaware. Besides the usual academic interests he is also interested in reading on economics, philosophy, history and world literature.
- Email:adnan.khan@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Zahra Lakdawala
Assistant Professor

Dr. Zahra Lakdawala
Assistant Professor
Zahra Lakdawala completed her doctoral studies from the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in 2010. Her PhD work was motivated by an industrial-driven investigation for numerical simulation of automotive filters- extending the methodology for computational fluid dynamics for coupled plain and porous media. After her PhD, she has worked at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, DHI-WASY GmbH and Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics. She has also spent her time as a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and ETH Zurich.
Her research focuses on numerical methods for partial differential equations and for integro-differential equations (finite volume, finite difference, and finite element discretization), computational fluid dynamics (space and time discretization and iterative (krylov subspace) methods, algebraic multigrid solvers), numerical simulation of (Newtonian) flow and (contamination) transport in plain and (rigid, poro-elastic) porous media.
She is interested in modelling and simulation of multi-scale and multi-physics processes (upscaling for flow in porous media, effective properties of composite materials, coupling micro- and macro-scale filtration simulations, handling large scale models, (stochastic) modeling of groundwater management, parameter identification, incorporating uncertainty with time constraints, stochastic kriging, calibrated modeling and software development. She has worked on including uncertainty quantification into the FEFLOW software for subsurface hydrogeological applications to reduce uncertainties in the quantity of interest based on the
collection of new data or on better physical understanding.
The application areas for her works are as follows:
filtration and separation for efficient filter design
modeling flow and uptake of diapers
water resource management
Her work is successfully integrated in the form of integrated softwares in production lines of an automotive filter manufacturing industry and diaper manufacturing industry, namely IBS Filtran GmbH and Procter & Gamble GmbH (in Germany).
Further, her work is included in parts in the commercial softwares, namely FiltEST and FEFLOW.
"Give me a system of partial differential equations, and i will churn them into a numerical software"

Dr. Ali Ashher Zaidi
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ali Ashher Zaidi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Zaidi obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Massey University, New Zealand in 2015 where he also served as Post-doctoral fellow.
Dr. Zaidi has an impressive track record of delivering talks and has several awards and recognitions to his credit, some of which include:
First prize for his talk on ‘Solutions to an advanced functional partial differential equation of the pantograph-type’ at the second INMS postgraduate student conference 2014.
Second prize for his talk on ‘A size structured cell growth model’ at the first INMS postgraduate student conference 2013.
A talk on ‘Solutions to an advanced functional partial differential equation of the pantograph-type’ at Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZAIM) conference 2015.
- Email:ali.zaidi@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Amer Rasheed
Assistant Professor

Dr. Amer Rasheed
Assistant Professor
Dr. Amer Rasheed received his M Phil degree in applied mathematics from Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad and PhD degree from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Rennes France. He worked as a Lecturer in INSA, France for two and half years and taught several courses in engineering programs. His specialization is the Numerical & theoretical Analysis and Simulations of the partial differential equations arising in different fields of applied sciences using Finite element Methods.
- Email:amer.rasheed@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Haniya Azam
Assistant Professor

Dr. Haniya Azam
Assistant Professor
Dr. Azam obtained her PhD in Mathematics from the Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences (ASSMS), GCU, Lahore in 2013. During the course of her doctora studies she was awarded the French Embassy Split – PhD Fellowship at the Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu (IMJ) Paris.
Prior to joining LUMS she has worked as a teaching Fellow at the Information Technology University in Lahore, and has also served as a post-doctoral Fellow at ASSMS.
Dr. Azam has a couple of publications in well reputed journals​ to her credit. Her research interests include Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Floer Homology and Lower Dimensional Topology.
- Email:haniya.azam@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Imran Naeem
Associate Professor

Dr. Imran Naeem
Associate Professor
Dr Imran Naeem received the M. Phil. Applied Mathematics degree from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad and the Ph.D. degree from University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa in 2004 and 2008. He did the Post Doctoral Fellowship from University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa and has also been teaching at the University of the Witwatersrand prior to joining LUMS. Dr Naeem has several publications in leading international journals.
- Email:imran.naeem@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Masood Hussain Shah
Assistant Professor

Dr. Masood Hussain Shah
Assistant Professor
Dr Masood Shah received the M. Phil. Mathematics degree from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad and the Ph.D. degree in Pure Mathematics from University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK in 1992 and 1998. Prior to joining LUMS, he has been associated with University of Aberdeen, and University of Peshawar. Dr Shah has several publications in leading international journals.
- Email:mshah@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Mudassar Razzaq
Assistant Professor

Dr. Mudassar Razzaq
Assistant Professor
Dr. Razzaq obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany in 2011. His research primarily bridges the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM), namely Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). He is involved in cross-disciplinary collaborative scientific research encompassing a diverse and challenging set of problems spread over the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Computer Science e.g., in Bioengineering. His recent research publications contribute to the scientific literature on FSI, Optimization, Benchmark, proposals, and Hemodynamics; while his teaching credentials and experience fall primarily within the basic and advanced areas of Mathematics in crossdisciplinarity disciplines at undergrad and graduate level. Prior to joining LUMS, he was associated with TU Dortmund and CIIT Islamabad.
His research interests include:
Numerical Analysis and scientific computing
Finite Element Methods
Fluid-Structure Interaction for Hemodynamics
Financial Mathematics

Dr. Muhammad Ahsan
Assistant Professor

Dr. Muhammad Ahsan
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ahsan got his PhD in mathematics from Central European University, Budapest, Hungary in 2013. Prior to doing PhD, he taught at Lahore University of Management Sciences, and Karakoram International University, Gilgit. He got his MSc in mathematics from the University of Toronto, Canada, and the postgraduate diploma in mathematics from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.
His research interests include differential equations, functional analysis, and differential geometry.

Dr. Muhammad Usman
Assistant Professor

Dr. Muhammad Usman
Assistant Professor
Dr. Muhammad Usman has joined us as Assistant Professor-Tenure Track in the Department of Mathematics - (SBASSE).
Dr. Usman obtained his PhD in Mathematics from Imperial College London in 2012 prior to joining University of Stockholm, Sweden as Postdoctoral Fellow. Dr Usman completed his MSc and BSc in Mathematics from King’s College London and COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in 2008 and 2006, respectively. His research interests are in spectral theory of differential operators and spectral theory of quantum graphs. In particular, he is interested in the spectral bounds of quantum graphs which is essential for establishing estimates on bound state energies of quantum systems. Dr. Usman has taught undergraduate level courses at Stockholm and COMSATS and has also co-supervised and examined Master level students’ theses at the Stockholm University. Prior to joining LUMS, he was associated with COMSATS Institute of Information Technology as Assistant Professor.
His research interests include:
· Spectral Theory
· Scattering Theory
· Quantum Graphs
- Email:usman@lums.edu.pk

Dr. Shaheen Nazir
Assistant Professor

Dr. Shaheen Nazir
Assistant Professor
Dr. Shaheen Nazir has received her PhD degree from Abdus Salam School of Mathematics, GC University, Lahore. She has worked as Postdoctoral fellow at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy. Before joining LUMS, she has been associated with National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES-FAST), Lahore. Dr. Nazir has several publications in leading international journals. Her research interests include Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry , Combinatorial Geometry and Combinatorial Commutative Algebra.

Mr. Aeyaz Jamil Kayani
Adjunct Faculty

Mr. Ahmed Umer Ashraf
Adjunct Faculty